Transformers is a collection and series of animation, toys, comics, video games, and films produced by American toy company Hasbro in partnership with Japanese toy brand Takara Tomy. The series originated in 1984 as physical toys known for their ability to transform from automobiles and electronics into robots.
Transformers have embodied numerous iterations in their four-decade history, and 2007 saw the release of the live-action film Transformers, directed by Michael Bay. The 2007 Transformers film was nominated for three Academy Awards for its sound design and visual effects, and this film had the bonus of Peter Cullen returning to his original 1980s role of Optimus Prime. This film created a new wave of interest and excitement in the series, spawning five subsequent films that were released between 2009 through 2023. With so much momentum surrounding the live-action films and the series' history as toys, a new wave of collectibles was inevitable. Transformers teamed up with prolific collectibles producer Bait / Switch Collectibles to produce more beloved characters such as the Soundwave Antique Metals Edition 4.5-inch figure. Soundwave fans can find several more iterations of this character, including his doubled gold chain and DJ mixing booth.
As a worldwide phenomenon, Transformers have been translated into various products, including apparel, watches, footwear, and, of course, a wide array of toys and figurines. Fans of Transformers can find the most coveted Transformers gear here on StockX, whether it's the Diadora N9000 Megatron sneaker or one of the originalMarvel Universe comic book.