One Piece is a Japanese manga series that originated in 1997. The series has been adapted into numerous animated feature films and TV specials, as well as video animation and games, including trading cards and many video games. Praised for its art, humour, and storytelling, One Piece has won numerous awards, placing in the Japanese Book of the Year awards numerous times.
Beyond winning awards, One Piece holds many records for its success. It has a record in the Guinness Book for achieving the most published copies of a single comic book series by one author. One Piece has more than 500 million editions in circulation in more than 60 countries. It is the top-selling manga series in history and the top-selling printed comic book series in terms of volume. With such a robust fan base and readership, it’s no surprise that One Piece merchandise has developed, specifically in collectibles that translate the series’ illustrations into three-dimensionality. The One Piece Mighty Jaxx XXRAY PLUS: Luffy Figure renders the character in partial x-ray composition in vivid detail, adhering to his visible transparency on the front and typical appearance on the back.
Known for their ability to translate cartoons, comics, and animated characters into tangible figures, One Piece entrusted Singaporean toy producer Mighty Jaxx to execute the details for which One Piece is known. Having produced figures for over 120 different series and characters from many genres, collectors can find an array of collectible figures from Mighty Jaxx and other collectible figure brands on StockX.